Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thoughts on Technology

Hi people. This is my first blog, so bear with me if I'm horrible at it.
My experiences with technology are both stretched and shorter when compared to those of others. The first time I remember playing with technology was when my family and I had a windows 95 (I know, fancy!) The best thing I remember about it was whenever I would play it with my dad, we would sort of do this tag-team thing and he would work the controls while I worked the fire button. i enjoyed blowing things up (still do), and he enjoyed spending time with his son, so it was a win-win situation.
When we moved to the house I currently live in now, we got the newest and latest version of windows, the almighty windows 98. Sufficed to say, I was pretty excited. This computer opened meup to the types of games from two of my favorite tv shows of the time, Beast Wars (an animal version of transformers), and Earth Worm Jim (some personified worm with a space-suit to match the brain). it was abut this time that i got my first game consol, a game boy pocket! I was excited beyond belief because I had seen all these cool ads about it and my parents had been adament about keeping all game systems out of the house.
Everything just moved forward from there and I eventually got to learn how to use things ranging from a special effects program to learnig how to work a soundboard. I'm stiil a little behind in the times though. I didn't even have a facebook or anything resembling one until last week. My famly just finally got it's first digital camera earlier this year, and I didn't even fully understand what a blog was until we started doing this project. Well, looks as if I've got the experience ahead of me.

1 comment:

L. M. Peifer said...

Make sure you have about 200 words in your posts. If they are too short, blogger will think you are a spammer and lock you blog!