Sunday, March 15, 2009

As You Like IT LRJ #2

Ian Decker
Ms. Peifer
Per. 5/ 10 IB

In this act, Oliver has no lines, but an act of his that is mentioned that causes a turning point in the story line. Oliver's main goal this act is to kill his brother Orlando. This is revealed to the reader when Orlando, on his way back from the wrestling match, comes across Adam. Adam tells him, "this night he intends to burn the lodging where you use to lie" (2.3.23-24). Here, Adam warns Orlando that Oliver has set up a trap for Orlando back up in the castle and intends to take Orlando's life. Oliver's intention in this act has been his goal for the rest of the play so far, so it contributes to the main goal by being the current main goal of Oliver.

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