Sunday, March 15, 2009

As You Like It LRJ #4

Ian Decker
Ms. Peifer
Per. 5/ 10 IB

In act four, Oliver does a complete turn-around in terms of his personality (goals included). He is found now out in the woods looking for Ganymede (Rosalind). He presents her with Orlando's excuse for not being there, "He sends this bloody napkin" (4.3.96). The napkin is stained with blood from Orlando. Oliver goes on to explain that while he was sleeping his brother happened upon him, and not a moment too soon. There was a snake that had wrapped itself around Oliver's neck, and as Orlando approached, the snake fled, only to be replaced by a lion debating with itself on whether or not to eat Oliver. Before it can decide, however, Orlando attacks the lion, scaring it off and saving his brother. Oliver is extremely thankful, "But kindness, nobler ever than revenge... made him give battle to the lioness" (4.3.135-137). He, unlike before, praises his brother instead of shooting him down, showing a change of heart and a change of his goals overall. He then tells the girls (Both Rosalind and Celia are there) that the reason why he presented them with a bloody handkerchief is that it was used to bandage Orlando's wound from the lion, which he later fainted from. Rosalind follows suit and feints herself. The scene ends with Oliver helping Rosalind up and back to camp, and act of kindness once again proving Oliver's change of heart.

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